Российский паразитологический журнал (Oct 2019)
Commission and field testing of efficacy of the supramolecular complex of triclabendazole «Triclafascid» against cattle fascioliasis
The purpose of the research: to conduct commission and field testing of efficacy of the supramolecular complex of triclabendazole «Triclafascid» applied at the dose of 2,5-3,0 mg/kg against cattle fasciolosis. Materials and methods. Commission and field testing of Triclafascid were carried out in the private sector of the Chechen Republic in March-April 2017 on cattle naturally infected with Fasciola. Commission testing was performed on 30 animals infected with Fasciola that were divided into two equal groups of 15 animals each. Animals from the first group received triclafascid orally at the single therapeutic dose 2,5 mg a.i./kg (therapeutic dose 25 mg/kg) in water solution. The second group of animals as well as the first group received the substance of triclabendazole at five times lower dose (2,5 mg/kg) in water suspension. In field experiment, triclafascid was given individually to 108 animals at the dose of 3,0 mg a.i./kg (therapeutic dose 30 mg/kg) with compound feed. To determine the grade of animals’ invasion with fascioles, fecal samples were examined by Fuelleborn's method using ammonium nitrate. The average number of Fasciola eggs in 1 g of feces was defined with the use of VIGIS counting chamber. Fecal samples were investigated; the efficacy of the preparation was evaluated 30 days after dehelmintization. The efficacy of triclafascid was estimated by a «critical test» according to the Manual approved by World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (1995). Results and discussion. In commission testing of triclafascid for the treatment of cattle fasciolosis individually orally in water solution at the dose of 2,5 mg /kg and in field experiment at the dose of 3,0 mg /kg with feed compound at five times lower dose, 100 % efficacy was reached (in comparison with triclabendazole).