Біологічні студії (Sep 2018)

Ruderal vegetation of Skhidnytsia village-resort (Lviv region, Ukraine)

  • N. Pashkevych



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Investigation of the ruderal vegetation of the village-resort Skhidnytsia has allowed to highlight a number of peculiarities of the development of synanthropic vegetation in the conditions of the settlement of a mountainous region. The analysis of ruderal vegetation of the settlement was carried out on the basis of 89 geobotanical releves made in 2015 according to the ecological-floristic classification of vegetation on the basis of modern European syntaxonomy. The ruderal vegetation of the resort is represented by three vegetation classes (Polygono-Poetea annuae, Epilobietea angustifolii, Artemisietea vulgaris), 5 unions (Saginion procumbentis, Polygono-Coronopodion, Aegopodion podagrariae, Convolvulo arvensis-Elytrigion repentis, Dauco carotae-Melilition), 13 associations, one subassociate. The peculiarity of the formation of ruderal communities is that they consist of a significant proportion of meadow and mountain species (Trisetum flavescens, Lysimachia nemorum, Cynosurus cristatus, Alchemilla gracilis, Potentilla aurea, etc.), rare species, but a small proportion of alien species. Several species of transformers and highly invasive species (Heracleum mantegazzianum, Reynoutria japonica, Erigeron annuus, Helianthus tuberosus, Lamium purpureum, Salix fragilis) were recorded in the center of the settlement. Possibly, in future, an expansion of the areas of Polygono-Poetea annuae communities in recreation areas, along tourist routes, will take place due to the trampling of the grassy natural vegetation of the Molinio-Arrhe­natheretea class. It should be noted a large number of species of orchids in various ruderal classes (Gymnadenia conopsea, Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. majalis). Due to intensive management on the village reduced diversity syntaxons real ruderal vegetation and frequent mowing grass verges possibly promotes this meadow elements. The conducted analysis revealed that the main factors forming ruderal communities, their composition and ecological structure impact both natural vegetation and specific economic activities of the region.
