Финансы: теория и практика (Oct 2017)
Optimization models based on linear models are referred to as «rigid» because in the majority of cases they do not provide needed results. Therefore, some authors suggest non-linear «soft» models as a substitute for linear ones since they are supposed to make an optimized system more robust. The rigidity of a model that is set as an optimization task is concerned not so much with linearity or non-linearity of its target function as with the lack of flexible substitution of resources in case of their shortage. Furthermore, the dependence of the management criterion (the target function) on the current resource constraints is reflected in a one-level, i.e. very simplified way. Hence a necessity arises to use integrated criteria of economic management efficiency, which requires a different look at the reflection of dependences between strategic and tactical purposes, on the one hand, and resources, on the other hand. This requirement encourages the search of new optimization methods. The proposed method is based on the expanded «resource» concept, which in turn has made it possible to introduce a concept of interchangeability of resources of various nature. The method is oriented at the use of inverse calculations when calculations are carried out from a known increment of function values towards unknown increments of performance indicators as arguments to reflect the level of reaching prioritized management goals. The paper formulates and substantiates the principles and provides a step-by-step description of an alternative approach to the optimization of management solutions. The first and foremost principle concerns reversing the direction of the search for the extreme value of the target function: the «constraints → target function» direction is changed for that of «target function → constraints». The second principle means replacement of static (rigid) constraints with «soft» ones making it possible to realize the idea of interchangeability of resources. In the situation of increasing shortage of resources, more attention is being paid to methods ensuring their maximum saving, therefore this problem is viewed in the paper as a possible sphere for application of the optimization method described herein.