Амбулаторная хирургия (Jan 2021)
Experimental clinical study on the using of adhesive in the obliteration of varicose veins in humans
Introduction. In order to perform endovasal vein lining, the American Rodney D.Raabe developed a system for varicose veins obliteration, consisting of a glue gun and two catheters, called “VenaSeal”. As an occlusant for varicose veins in this system, “Medtronic” company today proposes to use an adhesive compound synthesized on the basis of butyl ether of α-cyanacrylic acid.Materials and methods. Endovasal catheter obliteration of tributaries and main trunks of the great saphenous vein on the tibia was performed in 15 patients with varicose disease (C2 to CEAR) in order to substantiate the possibility of using the adhesive compound Sulfacrylate. Severity of pain, presence or absence of phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, hyper pigmentation, neurological disorders, allergic reaction were clinically evaluated.Results and discussion. All patients after the introduction of the glue Sulfakrilat had a clinic of moderate phlebitis, without the formation of blood clots in the lumen of the vein. No local or general allergic reaction was observed. From day 7 occluded venous segments were palpated in the form of moderate density bands, without infiltration to surrounding tissues. In the absence of blood flow ultrasound examination showed gradual biodegradation of the adhesive strip inside the vein with the development of complete obliteration of the lumen starting from the 4th month. Starting with the 7th day gradually stopped aseptic inflammation in the wall of the vein was observed on histological examination. Monocytic infiltration of the venous wall with the formation of multinucleated cells of foreign bodies was present until the time of complete biodegradation of the glue. The process of diffuse growth of connective tissue with the presence of fibroblasts from the subendothelium and in the middle shell was most actively observed in histological material from 90 to 120 days after occlusion. Within 180 days, the lumen of the veins occluded by “Sulfacrylate” was completely obliterated by mature connective tissue, in the absence of glue particles, which indicated its complete biodegradation.Conclusion. The experimental studies conducted with the assessment of clinical symptoms, ultrasound examination and histological study of morphogenesis in the lumen of blood vessels in different periods up to 6 months allow us to conclude the potential use of the adhesive compound “Sulfacrylate” (produced in Russia) for endovasal obliteration of varicose veins in humans.