Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP ()

The effect of educational technology use to guide parturient women's companions: a randomized controlled study

  • Laise Ramos e Silva,
  • Camila Teixeira Moreira Vasconcelos,
  • Ana Izabel de Oliveira Nicolau,
  • Liana Mara Rocha Teles,
  • Gabriela Lima Ribeiro,
  • Ana Kelve de Castro Damasceno



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ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the companion's role during the labor and delivery processes, comparing the influence of the use of an educational technology. Method: A single-blind randomized controlled study, in which 73 participants were divided into two groups, 35 in the intervention group and 38 in the comparison group. To analyze the groups the chi-square and the Fisher's exact tests were used in categorical variables and the Student's t-test or the Mann-Whitney test in continuous variables. Results: When comparing the experience and the support provided, it was found that there was no difference between the groups in relation to the level of support (p=0.48) and satisfaction with the experience of monitoring the delivery process (p=0.19). However, there was a difference regarding insecurity in monitoring (p=0.00) and concern regarding the parturient health status (p=0.00). Conclusion: The companions who received the intervention with educational technology were more likely to use physical, emotional and intermediation support actions. Registry of Brazilian Clinical Trials UTN: U1111-1231-8695.
