Ribogospodarsʹka Nauka Ukraïni (Dec 2019)
Rehabilitation of fish fauna in the Pripyat hydroecological corridor from hydroecology positions
Purpose. To define the ichthyecological criteria for assessing the status of river catchments of the Pripyat HEР - to develop their matrices, as well as to study the limiting factors of influence on ecosystem functioning that is necessary to find ways for the rehabilitation of fish fauna of this important natural object of national significance. Methodology. The quantitative and qualitative status of fish fauna of the Pripyat HEP was assessed based on the cameral processing of the material collected in expeditions, as well as interviewing recreational fishermen. We studied the hydrological regime of the Pripyat HEP, using the yearbooks of the hydrometeorological services of the Polissya region from 1922 to 2005. Processing the abovementioned data was performed using a mathematical program created by us in Delphi. The aquatic environment was considered as a “black box” with incoming and outgoing information, which was measured by 50 parameters according to a comprehensive environmental classification of water quality. Findings. It was proved that the rehabilitation of the Pripyat HEP is urgently needed from the standpoint of hydroecology. Changes in the ecosystem of the Pripyat HEP were assessed using a spatial biomarker, a sharp deterioration in the habitat and conditions of fish reproduction were noted. A formalized functioning scheme of the Pripyat HEP is presented, from which it follows that its development was extremely irrational. A comparative analysis of the state of the ichthyocenosis of river ecosystems in the Styr-Horyn fish-restoration complex relative to non-transformed catchments was carried out. Originality. A spatial biomarker of the surface water state was developed and used to assess the conditions for the reproduction of native fish fauna in the Styr and Horyn rivers in the Pripyat hydroelectric station. A comprehensive index of the ecosystem state of the studied catchment (Vec.) was introduced and calculated by the ratio of its actual parameters to their optimal characteristics, according to our formula. Practical value. The main trends of the rehabilitation of fish fauna in the Western Polissya area of Pripyat HEP are formulated and the basic scheme of its implementation is presented. The effectiveness of using a spatial biomarker and a catchment approach has been demonstrated.