LingVaria (May 2023)
Barokowa polszczyzna w internecie, czyli Elektroniczny słownik języka polskiego XVII i XVIII wieku
BAROQUE POLISH IN THE INTERNET OR THE ELECTRONIC DICTIONARY OF POLISH IN THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES In 2021, the Electronic Dictionary of Polish Language of the 17th and 18th Centuries (e-SXVII) was given the 4th edition Award of the Linguistics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of linguistics. The award was granted in the category of team work carried out by Prof. Włodzimierz Gruszczyński PhD together with the Studio of the History of Polish Language of the 17th and 18th Centuries IJP PAN under his management, where e-SXVII is being created. The dictionary has been recognized as “an achievement in producing linguistic resources or tools”. The article reports on the history of the studio and introduces the evolution of conceptual works, especially after the decision to suspend further publication of SXVII in paper form (2004) and transform it into the first Polish dictionary created initially in the electronic form. It also deals with detailed issues regarding the canon of sources, structure and content (shape) of individual elements of the entry and media structure, and relations with other digital collections (especially the Electronic Corpus of Polish Texts from the 17th and 18th Centuries). The authors of the article also describe an important IT tool created for the needs of this dictionary.