The Pan African Medical Journal (Feb 2021)
Experience with the management of anorectal malformations in Ibadan, Nigeria
INTRODUCTION: Anorectal malformation is a multi-systemic birth defect of the distal gastrointestinal tract, the management of which is challenging to the surgeons, the patients and the parents. The presence of associated congenital malformations may worsen the outcome with consequent psychosocial effects on the patients and the parents. The characteristics of anorectal malformations with the challenges associated with their management and the outcomes are therefore presented here. METHODS all patients managed for anorectal malformations from January, 2003 to December, 2017 were studied. Patients´ demography, clinical presentations, types of malformations, associated anomalies, procedures performed, post-operative complications and management outcome were obtained and analysed. RESULTS: eighty-eight children with anorectal malformations comprising 61(69.3%) boys and 27(30.7%) girls were studied with 76(86.3%) patients presenting within the first year of life. Low anorectal malformation was observed in 14(15.9%) patients, 71(80.7%) patients had intermediate or high malformations and cloacal malformation was present in 3(3.4%) patients. Associated congenital malformations were observed in 18(20.5%) patients with 10(55.6%) patients associated with intermediate or high malformations and urogenital system was the most common system whose anomalies were associated with anorectal malformations in 12(13.6%) patients. Anoplasty was performed on 14(15.9%) patients, posterior sagittal anorectoplasty was performed on 67(76.1%) patients, abdominosacroperineal pull through on 4(4.6%) patients and posterior sagittal anorectovaginourethroplasty on 3(3.4%) patients. Six (6.8%) neonates died. CONCLUSION: immediate post-operative outcome was good; however, good functional outcome can only be assessed in an atmosphere of good follow-up which is still a problem in our environment.