Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Nov 2009)
Perfil nutricional e cardiovascular de ratos normotensos e hipertensos sob dieta hiperlipídica Perfil nutricional y cardiovascular de ratas normotensas e hipertensos bajo dieta hiperlipídica Nutritional and cardiovascular profiles of normotensive and hypertensive rats kept on a high fat diet
FUNDAMENTO: Embora dietas hiperlipídicas (DH) promovam distúrbios nutricionais e cardíacos, poucos estudos avaliaram sua influência em ratos normotensos Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) e espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar o perfil nutricional e cardiovascular de WKY e SHR tratados com DH. MÉTODOS: 20 WKY e 20 SHR foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: WKY-controle (WKY-C), WKY-DH, SHR-controle (SHR- C) e SHR-DH. Os grupos C e DH receberam, respectivamente, dieta normocalórica e DH durante 20 semanas. Foram avaliados: peso corporal (PC), adiposidade, glicemia, lípides séricos, com dosagens de colesterol total e triacilglicerol, insulina e leptina. O estudo cardiovascular contemplou a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), avaliação cardiopulmonar anatômica, ecocardiograma e histologia cardíaca. RESULTADOS: Os SHRs apresentaram menor PC, adiposidade, glicose, colesterol, triacilglicerol, leptina e insulina, quando comparados aos WKYs. Nos SHR, a ingestão calórica aumentou com a DH. Já nos WKYs, a DH elevou a eficiência energética, a adiposidade e a leptina e reduziu a glicemia. Na avaliação cardiovascular, os SHR apresentaram maior PAS, umidade pulmonar, hipertrofia e fibrose intersticial miocárdica em relação aos WKYs (pFUNDAMENTO: Embora dietas hiperlipídicas (DH) promovam distúrbios nutricionais e cardíacos, poucos estudos avaliaram sua influência em ratos normotensos Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) e espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). OBJETIVO: Evaluar y comparar el perfil nutricional y cardiovascular de WKY y SHR tratadas con DH. MÉTODOS: Un total de 20 WKY y 20 SHR se distribuyó en cuatro grupos: WKY-control (WKY-C), WKY-DH, SHR-control (SHR-C) y SHR-DH. Los grupos C y DH recibieron, respectivamente, dieta normocalórica y DH durante 20 semanas. Se evaluaron: peso corporal (PC), adiposidad, glucemia, lípidos séricos, con dosificaciones de colesterol total y triacilglicerol, insulina y leptina. El estudio cardiovascular contempló la presión arterial sistólica (PAS), evaluación cardiopulmonar anatómica, ecocardiograma e histología cardiaca. RESULTADOS: Las SHRs presentaron menor PC, adiposidad, glucosa, colesterol, triacilglicerol, leptina e insulina, cuando comparadas a las WKYs. En las SHR, la ingestión calórica aumentó con la DH. Sin embargo en las WKYs, la DH elevó la eficiencia energética, la adiposidad y la leptina y reduzco la glucemia. En la evaluación cardiovascular, las SHR presentaron mayor PAS, humedad pulmonar, hipertrofia y fibrosis intersticial miocárdica en cuanto a las WKYs (pBACKGROUND: Although a high fat diet (HFD) promotes nutritional and heart disorders, few studies have assessed its influence in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the nutritional and cardiovascular profiles of WKY and SHR on a high fat diet. METHODS: 20 WKY and 20 SHR were divided into four groups: Control-WKY (C-WKY), HFD-WKY, Control-SHR (C-SHR) and HFD-SHR. The C and HFD groups received, respectively, a normocaloric diet and a HFD for 20 weeks. The following features were evaluated: body weight (BW), adiposity, blood glucose, serum lipids, with measurements of total cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels, insulin and leptin. The cardiovascular study included the systolic blood pressure (SBP), a cardiopulmonary anatomical evaluation, an echocardiography and heart histology. RESULTS: The SHR had BW, adiposity, glucose, cholesterol, triacylglycerol, leptin and insulin levels lower than the WKY. In SHR, the caloric intake increased with HFD. In WKY, the HFD increased energy efficiency, adiposity and blood leptin, and reduced glucose. In the cardiovascular assessment, the SHR had SBP, pulmonary moisture, myocardial hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis higher than the WKY (p <0.01); the cardiac function was similar in both strains. The HFD reduced the ventricular systolic diameter in the WKY and increased the mitral E/A ratio, the diastolic thickness of the interventricular septum and the posterior wall, as well as the interstitial fibrosis of the left ventricle. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2009; 93(5) : 487-494) CONCLUSION: Although it had not significantly affected the nutritional profile of the SHR, the treatment increased cardiac remodeling and precipitated the emergence of ventricular diastolic dysfunction. In WKY, the diet increased adiposity and leptinemia, and promoted non-significant cardiovascular changes.