Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Jun 2006)
Reaction of neurons of internal layers of the retina to combined influence of ionizing radiation and light
The purpose of the presented work was the establishment of a character of modifying influence of ionizing radiation on damages of neurons of internal nuclear and ganglionic layers of a retina caused by light. The investigation revealed that changes of neurons of the internal nuclear and ganglionic layers after X-ray, light (200 lk, the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 14th, 30th days) and combined influence have similar nature, but differ in a degree of expression and manifest by reactive and destructive changes of organelles. Associated neurons showed relative resistance to investigated influences in comparison with multi-polar neurons of ganglionic layer. Combined ionizing radiation and light cause substantial growth of number of hyper-chrome and picnotic multi-polar neurons of ganglionic layer of a retina. Synergic effect is mostly expressed on 7-th-14-th day of the experiment and results in progressing growth of the number of hyper chrome multi-polar neurons.