Apertura (Sep 2018)
Teaching physics using physlets that incorporate hybrid conceptual maps
The aim in this paper is to present the results of the first stage of an investigation that has the objective of developing a fislet that consists of the animation of a problematized physical situation activated through the elements of a hybrid conceptual map. The methodology considers the selection of problematized physical situations where the physical notion to be taught is involved, the resolution of such problems by a group of teachers, the elaboration of hybrid conceptual maps and fislets through Java and MATLAB software and the support of the ontosemiotic approach. The results suggest that students consider the fislet as a didactic tool that allows them to explore the process of solving physical problems, reflect on assumptions and procedures, and analyze interpretations of representations, among other aspects. The research contributes to educational technology through the proposal of the design of a novel fislet that is based on the notion of representation and ontosemiotic interpretation of hybrid conceptual maps. It is concluded that the fislet allows the students to visualize the physical-mathematical objects that participate in the practice of solving a physical problem.