Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Jan 2023)
Satellite remote sensing and deep learning for aerosols prediction
Introduction/purpose: The paper presents a new state-of-the-art method that involves NASA satellite imagery with the latest deep learning model for a spatiotemporal sequence forecasting problem. Satellite-retrieved aerosol information is very useful in many fields such as PM prediction or COVID-19 transmission. The input data set was MODAL2_E_AER_OD which presents global AOT for every 8 days from Terra/MODIS. The implemented machine learning algorithm was built with ConvLSTM2D layers in Keras. The obtained results were compared with the new CNN LSTM model. Methods: Computational methods of Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning. Results: The results show global AOT prediction obtained using satellite digital imagery as an input. Conclusion: The results show that the ConvLSTM developed model could be used for global AOT prediction, as well as for PM and COVID-19 transmission.