Faṣlnāmah-i Pizhūhish-i Huqūq-i ̒Umūmī (Nov 2013)
Tolerance in International Human Rights Law
This article briefly studies the historical background as well as theopinions of some scholars with respect to tolerance, as a human virtueand a moral and political value. It argues that tolerance originates fromhuman dignity and respect and that societies are advised not only totolerate the differences among individuals and ethnic groups but alsovalue these differences. Further it reviews the available instruments inInternational human rights law touching on the requirement of peacefulcoexistence among social groups and minorities. It then examines inparticular, the UNESCO Declaration on Principles of Tolerance. Finallyit stresses the need for education in promoting tolerance in societieswhere social groups initiate dialogue primarily in order to eliminateprejudice, hatred and discrimination off societies, and eventually promotethe notion of peace among citizens.