Journal of High Energy Physics (Jun 2022)
I-jettiness with jet axis at O(α s ) in deep inelastic scattering
Abstract We present O(α s ) analytic predictions for event shape 1-jettiness τ 1 distribution aiming measurements in deep inelastic scattering process at future Electron Ion Colliders. The result depends on conventional variables x and Q as well as on τ 1 and is relatively compact and easy to implement for numerical calculation. Three different choices of axis, with respect to which τ 1 is measured are considered in the Breit frame. The first is the one optimally adjusted to minimize τ 1 and the second and third are taken from anti-k T and Centauro jet algorithms defined with a jet radius parameter R, respectively. We find that the first and second give the same result at this order and are independent of R, while the third depends on the radius. This fixed-order result provides a nonsingular contribution to be combined with a singular log-resummed contribution to give the full spectrum in τ 1 space and also shows how fixed-order and resummation regions change as a function of x and Q.