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A direita radical 'bolsonarista': da aporofobia à defesa da memória de regimes de exceção

  • Edson Dalmonte,
  • Priscilla Dibai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14


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This article analyzes Jair Bolsonaro's speeches in the media from 1986 to 2017, as well as his political activities in Parliament, in order to identify the ways in which this actor inserts the themes of nationalism, xenophobia, racism, antidemocracy in the public debate, relating the findings to the theory of radical right. The research identified that he shows well-demarcated positions against non-white people - blacks, Indians and quilombolas - and against immigrants - especially the poor - as well as defending models of state and society based on militarism, overvaluation of law and order and in the weakening of human rights, imposing certain paradoxes on democratic institutions and principles.
