Agronomía Costarricense (Jun 2015)
Inheritance and genetic relationship associated with performance, maturity in tomato hybrids [<i>Solanum lycopersicum</i> L. (Mill.)]
In the year 2010-2011, in the greenhouse, 30 tomato hybrids were evaluated to determine the genetic relationships between the different characters related to yield, number of days to maturity and shelf life. Results showed that hybrid 5 was the best for texture. For brix degrees, the best hybrids were: 2, 29, 25, 16 and 10. Hybrid 12 for number of days to maturity. Hybrid 8 for fruit size and width. For fruit length, hybrid 4; and hybrid 9 for yield. The pH is controlled by additive effects, and in fruit texture, degrees brix and the number of days to maturity, dominant effects are involved. In yield, size, length and width of fruit there were additive and dominant effects involved. Inheritance was higher for degrees brix, size, length and width of fruit. Progenitor 70 carries genes for less loss of texture, higher gain of degrees brix, greater loss of pH, larger size and greater fruit yield. Instead, parent 71 is the carrier of genes for fewer days to maturity, greater length and greater width of the fruit. Correlation analysis showed a moderate and negative (r=-0.62) and relationship between type of plant growth and predominant fruit shape. Also, moderate and negative correlations (r=-0.50) were observed between dominant form of fruit, external color of the ripe fruit and number of locules (r=-0.41). Characterization showed a wide variability in quantitative variables. Two main components, were identified: the first related to fruit texture, brix degrees, size, length and width of fruit; the second component identified pH, number of days to maturity and yield per plant. Multiple correspondence analyses indicated that in the hybrids evaluated predominate round fruits with pericarp and the outside colored red.