Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University (Apr 2021)
Letter to Editor on “Gollop-Wolfgang Complex in a New Born with Morton's Toe and Congenital Heart Disease”
Dear Editor, It was very informative to read a case report in Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University on Gollop Wolfgang Complex in a new born [1]. The case presented is indeed very rare and a valuable read to all reading about it. The keywords selected for representing the case in the draft are apt. The rarity and uniqueness of the case has been well reiterated with help of suitable references. The main symptoms and clinical findings with relevant clinical history has been mentioned descriptively. We would like to draw your attention towards some points. It would have been apt if the title of the draft would have contained the words – case report. It would be nice to add a reference to cite The Indian Academy of Paediatrics Chart within the draft. The abstract would be better if a conclusive statement which may be added as a take home message in the abstract itself. Similarly, a separate paragraph may be added after the discussion which states the ‘take away’ lessons in view of the reported case. The patient being a newborn, a paragraph may be added stating the perspective of the parents/relatives of the newborn opining on the treatment their newborn was administered and progression of treatment. While taking radiographs of the newborn, it is advisable to shield the gonads of the newborn or insistence of use of collimators for radiation protection purposes. Blurring of private parts or cropping them digitally while uploading pictures of region of interest is advised. Also, a statement about provision of informed consent as well as provision of consent of publication from parents/relatives of the patient may be of great value further enhancing the educational and research value of the reported case.