International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal (Nov 2012)
Book reviews
Richard Gott, Britain’s Empire: Resistance, Repression and Revolt, London & New York: Verso, 2011, pp. 568, ISBN: 9781844677382 Reghina Dascal, Ed., Episodes from the History of Undoing. The Heritage of Female Subversiveness, Newcasle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, ISBN: 1-4438-3611-7 Marta Wiszniowska-Majchrzyk, Studies in 20th Century Literary/Cultural Britain, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Wszyńskiego, 2011, pp. 440, ISBN 978-83-7072-707-9 Man, Chicks are Just Different (Baby są jakieś inne) dir. Marek Koterski, Poland, 2011, 90 min.