Revista de Ciências da Administração : RCA (Jan 1999)
Objetivos organizacionais e os conflitos interorganizacionais: um estudo de caso nas agências franqueadas da Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos
With the challenges impose for the new world reality and the need of eliminate distortions created for the extension which the Brazilian Post Offices adaptations wastaken, the ECT adopted ambitious objectives for next years. With the franchising system's reposition, the ECT hopes to reach great part of these objectives. However, in spite of the strategic dimension that the franchising system has in the ECT, exit currently conflicts between franchisee/franchisor relationships. This way, the main focus of this paper was toverify which is the influente of the organization's objectives in the conflicts interorganizacional between ECT and its franked agencies. Was verificated that the type of conflict interorganizacional is directly related with the divergences of organizationsobjectives. KEYWORDS: Interorganizacional conflicts; Organizacionais objectives; Franchising system.