Nuclear Physics B (Jun 2015)
Enhancing non-melonic triangulations: A tensor model mixing melonic and planar maps
Ordinary tensor models of rank D≥3 are dominated at large N by tree-like graphs, known as melonic triangulations. We here show that non-melonic contributions can be enhanced consistently, leading to different types of large N limits. We first study the most generic quartic model at D=4, with maximally enhanced non-melonic interactions. The existence of the 1/N expansion is proved and we further characterize the dominant triangulations. This combinatorial analysis is then used to define a non-quartic, non-melonic class of models for which the large N free energy and the relevant expectations can be calculated explicitly. They are matched with random matrix models which contain multi-trace invariants in their potentials: they possess a branched polymer phase and a 2D quantum gravity phase, and a transition between them whose entropy exponent is positive. Finally, a non-perturbative analysis of the generic quartic model is performed, which proves analyticity in the coupling constants in cardioid domains.