Revista MENDIVE (Jun 2022)
Relations among the attitudes toward the Mathematics and the academic yield of the students
Consent exists between investigators and educators on the unit between the affective and cognitive aspects of the personality of the students. Inside the affective aspects more studied in the last years an outstanding place they occupy it the attitudes and historically it has been concerned of the educators the variables linked with the academic performance of the students. This work has as main objective to contribute to clarify the influence that exists among the attitudes toward the mathematics of the professors and students of the career Accounting and Finances and, the academic performance of these last ones. For their realization they have been used as fundamental methods: historical-logical, modeling, documental analysis, interviews to students and the resources of the descriptive statistic as the distributions of frequency and especially the coefficient of lineal correlation of Pearson for the analysis of the results obtained in the mensuration of the variables. The indicators that allow to evaluate Mathematics' professor's attitudes, have settled down as well as of the students toward this subject. When of the applied surveys and the academic results of the students of second year of the and Finances in the Superior Mathematical subject II, you can infer that the attitudes toward the mathematics and the academic yield are correlated.