Journal of Bioresource Management (Dec 2022)
Spatio-T Spatio-Temporal Variation of Some Physico-Chemical P ariation of Some Physico-Chemical Parameters ameters of Water in Lower Seybouse River (Northeastern Algeria)
Oued Seybouse is one of the most important rivers in Algeria. It runs for about 240 km, flows through sevenwilayas (Guelma, Annaba, Souk Ahras, El Tarf, Oum El Bouaghi, Constantine and Skikda) and 68 municipalities, 30 of which are fully included in its basin, and only partially for the others. OuedSeybouse’s water is exposed to multiple sources of pollution, as it directly receives industrial and urban discharges throughout its course. Also agriculture, which is intensively practiced in the lower valley of Seybouse, contributes to the pollution of this watercourse. In this context, we set out to assess the physical-chemical quality of a part of the Lower Seybouse, at three stations on a 28 km stretch; El Hadjar station in the wilaya of Annaba and those of Drean and Chihani in the wilaya of El Tarf. For this purpose, the parameters measured and analyzed are: potential of Hydrogen (pH), Temperature (T), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Suspended Matters (SM), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Ammonium (NH₄⁺), Nitrates (NO3 - ), Nitrites (NO2 - ) and Orthophosphates (PO4 3- ). The processing of analytical results showed that the three stations received urban or agricultural discharges which increased the concentrations of ammonium, nitrite and orthophosphate ions in the already highly mineralized water of OuedSeybouse. High concentrations of these ions can affect animal, plant and human life.