Anuario Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Dec 2017)
That Corporate Social Responsibility in the “José Mercerón Allen” Cement Factory, Santiago de Cuba
The objective of this article is to identify the problems that limit Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the José Mercerón Allen Cement Factory, Santiago de Cuba, in order to trace the corresponding actions to improve the situation. To achieve the proposed objective, initially the themes of CSR that will be evaluated based on Rule 26000 are selected, the problems that limit it are identified and the corresponding objectives and actions are defined. The research showed that the fundamental problems that limit the social responsibility of the selected factory are: air pollution, sonic pollution, inadequate handling of liquid waste, contribution to the deterioration of the ozone layer, limited dialogue mechanisms to interact with the environment social, limited participation in the cultural development of the surrounding community, the production of the entity compromises the health of the local population.