Nuova Antologia Militare (Mar 2021)
Distribución espacial del reclutamiento romano a mediados del siglo II AD. El caso de la Legio II Traiana Fortis y de la Legio VII Claudia
This article deals with the geographic distribution of the recruitment of two legions, the II Traiana camped in Alexandria, and the VII Claudia in Viminacium, in the mid II century. The main purpose of the essay is the analysis of the spatial distribution of the levies throughout the Roman Empire, in the light of three laterculi, an epigraphic documentation of the soldier honourable discharge. To achieve this, the article uses the techniques proposals for the aplication of the Historical Geographic System and the generation of historical cartography. This approach allows us to conclude two things. The first one is the importance of knowing the connection and organization of the Roman geographic space in the levies; the second one is the relevance of certain places such as the colonies of veterans and the municipia, and especially at the second stage of the II century the fast granting of Roman citizenship of citizenship to less romanized peoples.