Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень (Aug 2015)
Reaction of parasitoids of social paper wasp Polistes dominula (Christ, 1791) on the mite infestation of the host
In 2003, 2005, 2011–2012 extensiveness and intensity of mite infestation of Sphexicozela connivens Mahunka, 1970 (Acari: Winterschmidtiidae) of social wasp Polistes dominula (Christ, 1791) pupae and adult sexual generation on colonies not infected and infected by parasitoids Latibulus argiolus (Rossi, 1790) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Elasmus schmitti Ruschka, 1920 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were analyzed. It is shown that under the conditions of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve (Southern Ukraine) the intensity of mite infestation in P. dominula colonies infected by Elasmus schmitti was lower than that in uninfected wasp colonies or colonies with L. argiolus. A negative correlation between intensity and extensiveness of mite infestation and the number (share) of wasp nest cells containing infected E. schmitti brood was revealed. Mites on the host pupae containing E. schmitti larvae were not recorded. Such correlations were not revealed in case of L. argiolus. Mites live both on host larvae and parasitoid larvae. Laboratory experiments have shown that E. schmitti females, unlike L. argiolus, leave heavily infected by mites wasp nest if they were there by accident. Parasitoids selectivity in regard to mite infestation of wasp host is considered in connection with their biology peculiarities.