Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2013)
Mortgage market in the republic of Serbia: present situation and prospects ; Hipotekarni trg v republiki Srbiji: trenutno stanje in obeti
This paper discusses the development of mortgage loans market in the Republic of Serbia through development of the instruments for provision of legal security of investments – both to creditors and to debtors. It explains the process of establishment of Real Estate Cadastre as a prerequisite for registration of real estate mortgages. Creation of the Central Mortgage Register is an additional service that provides transparency of the procedures and mortgage market development. The entire procedure has been illustrated by the statistical data on the increase of the number of registered mortgages, starting from 1998 through the end of 2011. The impact of the global economic crisis on the moderate decrease of the number of new mortgages in the Republic of Serbia is quite evident ; Prispevek obravnava razvoj hipotekarnega trga posojil v Republiki Srbiji z razvojem instrumentov za zagotavljanje pravne varnosti naložb - tako za upnike kot za dolžnike. Obrazloži postopek stanavljanja katastra nepremičnin, ki je predpogoj za registracijo hipotek na nepremičninah. Vzpostavitev centralnega hipotekarnega registra je dodatna storitev, ki zagotavlja preglednost postopkov in razvoja hipotekarnega trga. Celoten postopek je razviden iz statističnih podatkov o rasti števila registriranih hipotek, začenši z letom 1998 do konca leta 2011. Vpliv svetovne gospodarske krize na zmerno znižanje števila novih hipotek v Republiki Srbiji je dokaj očiten.