Les Cahiers de la Recherche Architecturale, Urbaine et Paysagère (Nov 2020)

Acteurs et dynamiques de l’histoire de l’architecture à Bordeaux dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Contribution à une histoire disciplinaire

  • Gauthier Bolle,
  • Nina Mansion-Prud’homme



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This contribution is part of a wider dynamic aimed at understanding the evolution of Architectural History as a field of teaching and research, beyond the institutional divisions that segment it and within identified regional poles. Thus, a first concrete situation, analysed during a one-day workshop held in Bordeaux in November 2018, allows a certain number of hypotheses to emerge and to feed questions around the actors, the institutions and the currents of thought that have shaped the field of Architectural History throughout the second half of the 20th century in France. The careers of historians, which bear witness to the diversity of the field and its structuring over the last fifty years, highlight both the hybridity of professional profiles and the plurality of theoretical approaches.
