SHS Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)
Education as the basis for the career development
A career can be seen as a sequence of employments, jobs and positions an individual fills in throughout their professional life. The choices made within the educational system seem to influence its successful start. The formal educational system is nowadays a preparatory stage for both professional life and lifelong learning. Retaining one’s employment and career development goes, therefore, hand in hand with lifelong learning while employers play a significant role in all forms of further professional development. Our purpose for this paper is to analyse the transition from education to employment and subsequent lifelong learning. The paper aims to assess the importance of the achieved educational level in further career development and the attitude of Slovak companies towards further training and development. Another aim is to formulate proposals and improvements for a successful transition to the professional sphere, as well as progress in the preparation for a career and lifelong employment. We used standard methods of scientific research such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and selection, but a questionnaire survey was used as our major research method. To evaluate the results, descriptive statistical methods were implemented together with pivot tables. Eventually, we verified our hypotheses by statistical methods and coefficients appropriate for the evaluation of associations between nominal or dichotomic parameters: chi-square and Cramer’s V. For validation, PSPP statistical software was implemented.