Danza e Ricerca (Dec 2016)
“Scene ibride”. I livelli d'ibridazione nella danza tra innovazione e tradizione
By virtue of the ability to federate the arts, the art of dance on stage is the body practice able to gather around different expressions and skills. The dancing body connect the arts in the same way in which it hybrids concepts and techniques too. These hybrids would not be new to the choral arts, but date back to the dawn of the dance scene: what makes them unique in the contemporary era is the radical nature of practices which operate in the direction of the loss of performance codes. However, the hybridization as a procedural method in the definition of the dance is not unknown. To discuss this, we have identified four different levels of dance hybridization: a hybridization of the composition process, a dancer hybridization, a hybridization of the author, and, finally, a hybridization of spread system.