Language Value (Jan 2019)

Audiovisual materials: A way to reinforce listening skills in primary school teacher education

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Author/s Pilar González-Vera Ana Hornero Corisco Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain ABSTRACT This paper aims to show the effective use of audiovisual materials in the teaching of EFL to primary school teachers. For that purpose a representative sample of undergraduate students of the Degree in Primary Education with a pre-intermediate B1 level was selected. The students, whose ages ranged from 18 to 22, belonged to the so-called E-generation (Prensky 2001). In the first stage of the study a questionnaire was distributed in order to shed light on our students’ level of English as well as on the ways and resources they have used to learn English. It revealed that oral communication skills (listening, speaking and pronunciation) were usually underestimated. Bearing in mind these results, the present study proposed two main activities, one focused on listening comprehension and another on the improvement of pronunciation through audiovisual materials.
