مطالعات مدیریت کسب و کار هوشمند (May 2015)
Ethics in IT professional's case study administrative staff of Bandar Abbas city
The present age, known as information age, Users by utilizing information technology, can easily transfer large volumes of data in less time between a far places. However, the potential benefits of information technology for user, also have ethical implications and the need compatibility with human values in society. The aim of this study was to determine the level of the moral development of IT staff by utilizes of the theory of cognitive moral development, Lawrence Kohlberg's by descriptive method. Research data has been collected by random sampling questionnaires of moral development (which includes 6 scenario), the 112 of the staff of the information technology unit in 19 public and private organizations, in Bandar Abbas. For the analysis of data, an independent t-test, ANOVA and Pearson were used. The results showed that 11/84 percent of the employees at the level pre-conventional, 36/53 percent at a level conventional morality and 51/64 percent at the level of post-conventional. This indicates reflects that need to more attention to the moral development of IT employees.