Red U (Dec 2014)
Use of Gowin’ s V as a tool to fulfill the needs of students with high learning capabilities in the topic of Computing.
We present the results of a formative experience implemented in the topic of Computing at ESIME-Culhuacan. The main reason behind this project is the understanding of the effectiveness of the so-called Gowin’s V tool, for the solution of problems in the field of Computing for students of high learning capabilities. The proposal is based upon the methods developed by Renzulli and Sternberg. The core of our results assert that these types of students must resort to these kinds of tools since they facilitate the use of the research method, which is the natural manner to obtain new knowledge. We may sum up our conclusions stating that this tool is adaptable to the manner in which students with high learning capabilities work and, in consequence, it favors the use and development of the employed strategies, I.e., it favor metaknowledge and meta-learning.