Annals of the University of Craiova for Journalism, Communication and Management (Dec 2015)
Public Relations Profile in Current Postmodern Context
This study is based on meta-analytic method and it clarifies the concept of public relations in our postmodern life. Even we know that the public relations have over 400 definitions, they are adjusting while the times passes and because of that, people from the field of communication and public relation have to be more creative than before. An organization can’t promote its image without the instruments of public relations; this mean that every organization that wants notoriety must apply to people from public relations to realize a campaign in order to inform the public about the existence of the company. A campaign of public relation is a process that have the purpose of development the image of a company and to promote it inside different groups of a society. The public relations campaign is starting from the moment when it’s fixing the purposes and then passing into action in achieving its objectives. Every campaign of public relation is based on creative people who are using the instruments of media properly. If in the past was a problem in promoting an image, nowadays it is becoming easier through social media