Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie (Jan 2016)
Ekumeniczna koncepcja Ukraińskiego Kościoła Greckokatolickiego
Eastern Catholic Churches (ECC) are an integral part of the universal Church. The Decree about Catholic Eastern Churches ‘Orientalium Ecclesiarum’ emphasizes that they have the same dignity in relation to each other and to the Latin Church. The actions of these churches on the field of ecumenism are determined by the documents of the Second Vatican Council: The Decree about Ecumenism ‘Orientalium Ecclesiarum’ and The Decree about Catholic Eastern Churches ‘Unitatis Redintegratio’. ECC Churches also have the right and duty to help the Holy See to understand the Christian East in search of the lost unity. These churches are responsible for cooperating with Orthodox Churches because of their common spiritual heritage. The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church prepared a document in the interest of the best possible relations with fraternal Christians. The mentioned document is entitled ‘The ecumenical concept of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church’ (UGCC). It was published on 23 December 2015 and its legal force took on 23 February 2016. The concept has been approved for five years. The idea broadly describes the issues that are the source of the UGCC. The document is very critical to the historical processes, which on the one hand, hindered the development of UGCC and on the other hand posed a threat of losing its own identity. The ecumenical concept of the UGCC shows openness to dialogue with Orthodox Churches in particular in the Ukraine and emphasizes the need to unite the Christians, who are the heirs of St. Vladimir baptism. In the end of the ecumenical concept of the UGCC the authors state that the revival of faith in the Ukraine will take place through the renewal of the Church of Kiev in one Patriarchate in union with the Roman Pontiff and with the other particular Churches.