中西医结合护理 (Sep 2023)
A brief introduction of popular medicine and clinical nursing (浅谈群医学对临床护理的启示)
There is a profound gap between various topic of nursing, such as clinical nursing and basic research, individual care and community nursing, which has been limiting the growing of nurse staff in China. Popular medicine can became the bridge of them and suggest novel ideas for future development of healthcare system. It has greatly pushed the center from “disease treating” to “health keeping”. In this paper, a short introduction of popular medicine and clinical nursing was made, including the urgency and necessary of popular medicine among nurse staff as well as the its inspiration on clinical nursing working. The purpose of this article is to improve the ability of clinical nurses in scientific research skills, chronic disease management and infectious diseases prevention via popular medicine learning. (临床护理与基础研究、个体化与群体护理等多个护理专题常常存在一定“裂痕”, 严重限制了我国护理人员梯队建设的宽度。国际上“群医学”概念的提出, 很好地促进了预防医学与临床医学彼此的融合, 为我国未来的医学学科建设提供了新的思路与方向, 有力地推动了"以治病为中心"向"以人民健康为中心"的转变。本文拟浅谈群医学对临床护理的启示, 包括其观念在临床护理普及的迫切性、其对临床护理实践的建议, 同思共为, 倡导护理人员在日常实践中贯彻群医学理念, 从而科学、有效地提高在慢性病管理与突发公共卫生事件应对能力, 扩展护理人员梯队建设的宽度。)