Essential public health functions: the key to resilient health systems
Olaa Mohamed-Ahmed,
Neil Squires,
Richard Garfield,
Angela Fehr,
Bjorn Gunnar Iversen,
Jean Claude Desenclos,
Jeffrey P Koplan,
Anders Tegnell,
Anne-Catherine Viso
Olaa Mohamed-Ahmed
Global Operations, UK Health Security Agency, London, UK
Neil Squires
Global Operations, UK Health Security Agency, London, UK
Richard Garfield
CDC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Angela Fehr
Centre for International Health Protection, Robert Koch Institut, Berlin, Germany
Bjorn Gunnar Iversen
Department of Infection Prevention and Preparedness, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
Jean Claude Desenclos
Scientific and International Department, Sante Publique France, Saint-Maurice, France
Jeffrey P Koplan
International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) Secretariat, Emory University Emory Global Health Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Anders Tegnell
Director-General Office, Folkhalsomyndigheten, Solna, Sweden
Anne-Catherine Viso
Scientific and International Department, Sante Publique France, Saint-Maurice, France