Âderna Fìzika ta Energetika (Dec 2006)
Nuclear g-factors and structure of the high-spin isomers in 190,192,194Pt
Integral perturbed angular distribution method in an external magnetic field has been used to measure the g-factors of isomers in the 190,192,194Pt, populated in the (α, 2n)-reaction. The results are as follows: 190Pt, g(12+ ) = -0,17(12), g(10- ) = -0,0016(36), g(7- ) = +0,62(9); 192Pt, g(12+ ) = -0,18(9), g(10- ) = -0,0012(10), g(7- ) = 0,48(12); 194Pt, g(12+ , new ЯДЕРНЫЕ g-ФАКТОРЫ ЯДЕРНА ФІЗИКА ТА ЕНЕРГЕТИКА № 2 (18) 2006 15 assignment) = 0,17(7), g(7- ) = +0,26(8). The 12+ states have the rotational-aligned (νi 2 13/ 2 − ) structure. The missing rotation-aligned (νi 2 13/ 2 − )12+ state is suggested to be isomeric in 194Pt (instead of the 10+ state) and to which the g = -0,17(6) value has to be attributed. From the g-factors of the 10- states in 190Pt and 192Pt, which have the configuration ν9/2- [505]⊗ ν11/2+ [615], the anomalous gl-factor for neutrons has been derived as δgl = -0,028(6). Positive values of gfactors of the 7- isomers confirm the prediction of the non-axial rotor + 2 quasiparticles model about the change of the intrinsic structure from mainly (νi13/2, νj) to mainly (πh11/2, πj) in transition from Hg to Pt nuclei.