Littera Scripta (Jan 2018)
Functioning of Ukrainian Phraseological Neologisms in Russian Political Media Discourse
Russian and Ukrainian political media discourse, despite complex relations between countries, is a part of single information space. As a result, phraseological innovations arising from one of its segments quickly become the property of another. Borrowing a certain neophrasemeispossibledue to the relevance of the denotationsforthe political and socio-cultural situation of the country,whose language is borrowed from. Functioning of a phraseological unit in a new environment (in a different segment of media discourse) is subject to certain regularities relating to both form (phrasemes can be translated or transliterated), and the semantics of phraseological unit. There are three possible alternatives: the neophraseme can preserve both the form and the meaning; it can keep the form, but change the meaning; or it can change the form, but keep the meaning. The choice of analternativeis determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors.