Бюллетень Почвенного института им. В.В. Докучаева (Nov 2016)
Variations in the lateral morphological differentiation of gilgai soil complexes
The structure of gilgai soil complexes is a combination of 3-D units complimenting, entering and/or crossing each other and having different morphological features: colour, slickensides, dispersed calcium carbonate, calcareous and gypsum pedofeatures, eluvial (leaching) and solonetzic features. The 3-D units with these morphological features are described. Nine variations in the vertical-lateral morphological structure of gilgai soil complexes are identified on the basis of reviewing literature on Vertisols of tropics and subtropics. Thirteen variations of gilgai soil complexes are identified on the basis of observations on Vertisols within the East European Plain.