Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tehničeskogo Universiteta. Seriâ: Fiziko-Matematičeskie Nauki (Jun 2014)
Magnetostatic modes in tangentially magnetized ferrospinels films
Absorption spectra of ferrospinel films synthesized by the method of chemical transport reactions are considered. Using an EPR spectrometer, it is demonstrated that additional absorption peaks are recorded in the absorption spectra of manganese and magnesium-manganese ferrite films magnetized parallel to their surface. Interpreting these peaks as magnetostatic modes, the wave number, group velocity, and extinction coefficient are retrieved from experimental values of the saturation magnetization, crystallographic anisotropy constant, and magnetic field of the observed modes. The common effects typical of the ferrospinel films are frequency oscillations of the surface mode extinction. Dependences of the extinction oscillation pattern on the surface anisotropy and wavelength of magnetic moment oscillations are established.