Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (Jan 2000)
Is pseudophakic astigmatism a desirable goal?
PURPOSE: To determine whether pseudophakic astigmatism is a desirable goal, and if so, which one is better: against-the-rule (ATR) or with-the-rule (WTR). METHOD: Eyes were included only if they had an uncorrected vision > or = 6/18 and N/18. Three groups, of 40 patients each were evaluated: group 1, pseudophakes with neutral astigmatism; group 2, with ATR and group 3, with WTR astigmatism Unaided distance and near visual acuity was recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test for independence. RESULTS: Unaided distance vision of > or = 6/7.5 was achieved in 19 eyes (47.5%) of group 1 (neutral), 12 eyes (30%) in group 2 (ATR), and 5 eyes (12.5%) in group 3 (WTR) (p = 0.0133, significant). Unaided near vision of > or = N/9 was achieved in 17 eyes (42.5%) in group 1 (neutral), 34 eyes (85%) in group 2 (ATR), and 10 eyes (25%) in group 3 (WTR) (P < 0.001, significant). Group 1 (neutral) fared the best for unaided distance visual acuity. Group 2 (ATR) was better than in group 3 (WTR) for distant vision. Group 2 (ATR) fared the best for unaided near vision. CONCLUSION: ATR astigmatism could be a desirable goal after cataract extraction in selected populations because the largest proportion of these cases achieved good unaided near vision with acceptable distant vision.