Al-Rafidain Dental Journal (Mar 2021)
The Plasma Levels of bFGF and Microbiological Evaluation of Cell Homing Procedure of Incomplete Teeth Apex Maturation in Dogs
Aims: The study aims to evaluate the blood level changes of basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) during pulp cell homing procedure of teeth with incomplete apices in dogs, and to evaluate the root canal disinfection recommendation of American Association of Endodontist protocol used in pulp revascularization procedure. Materials and Methods: Twelve local breed dogs randomly selected form different areas of Mosul City. The study was included four stages, the bFGF levels in the blood samples were measured by canine bFGF ELISA kit, stage I control (Induce infection),stage II (Disinfection),stage III (Treatment),and stage IV (3 month follow up).In stage II there are two microbial samples have taken from the root canals before and after AAE disinfection protocol ,and also after final irrigation in stage III by the aid of paper point These microbial samples were diluted and spread on blood agar and after 24hr the colony forming unit per milliliter was calculated CFU/ml to evaluate the effectiveness of AAE disinfection protocol. Results: The aid of ANOVA for Repeated Measure Statistical Test, the levels of bFGF in all stages were statistically analyzed. The result show significance at 5% level of significant P-value=0.04. The microbial counting result showed a highly significant difference at 1% P-value=0.000. These three samples have been statistically analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Conclusion: There is a difference in the levels of bFGF in the blood between the stages during pulp cell homing, also AAE protocol for disinfection is an effective method to disinfect the open apex root canal system.