Mednarodno Inovativno Poslovanje (Nov 2019)
Consumer Behaviour Toward Modern Food Products and Trends
People practicing food buying and consumption activities in everyday of their life’s, therefore this study aims to highlight the main factors that could affect consumer attitudes towards novel food products and consumption trends. The study handled three main food consumption trends that are: sustainable food consumption, organic food consumption and genetically modified food consumption. In order to achieve the study objective, a desk research was conducted, and a through literature survey was carried out on the main factors that affect consumer attitudes toward novel food products and consumption patterns. Literature resources were collected by screening various databases as EBSCO, Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis and other search tools. The main results indicate that the consumers attitudes towards novel food products are affected by different variables as consumer values and beliefs toward the environment and the farming technology in addition to the level of knowledge they have regarding food farming and producing technics. Also, it is found that trust, moral and ethical issues could influence the level of consumer acceptance of genetically modified foods.