Zero-a-seis (Mar 2019)
"Get out, prejudice!" a project to raise awareness of differences, through the works of author Ruth Rocha
The project was developed in a pre-school group linked to the Center for Integral Attention to Children and Adolescents, in the city of Rio Grande - RS. The class consisted of 15 children between 4 and 5 years old and two teachers, one of whom was visually impaired. Most of the children were entering school for the first time and had not yet interacted with disabled people. Thus, seeking to articulate the enchantment of Brazilian children's literature and respect for differences, Ruth Rocha'sworkswerechosen as theguidingprinciplesoftheprojectbecausethey are original andfunnarrativesthatthemedifferentdailysituations, respect for otherness, as well as aspects of the children's imagination. Among the main results achieved, it is not eworthy that this group of children was learning to live with the differences and the needs of the other from an early age, evidenced in a relationship of trust and friendship with the teachers, with no furtherdistinctionbetweenthetwo. Linked to this is the insertion of children intoliteracy practices, including the social uses of writing in their daily lives.