臺灣教育社會學研究 (Dec 2012)

動漫畫運用在民主政治相關課程上的另類嘗試:以《航海王》為例 The Application of Animation and Comics Democratic Politics Courses: A Study of the ONE PIECE

  • 蔡偉銑 Wei-Hsien Tsai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2
pp. 163 – 200


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近年部分教科書、大學與企業開始正視動漫畫結合視覺藝術與文字敘事、兼顧娛樂性與知識性的特性,並嘗試以動漫畫形式來說明與認識各種複雜的議題。本文以連載超過十年的知名動漫畫《航海王》為分析對象,指出其藉由荒誕誇張的情節,暗寓脈絡一致的嚴肅性議題:對權力與政府的戒懼,對人性與理想的堅持,以及對主流歷史與正義等概念的檢視。對比傳統學術性課程的學習方式,動漫畫透過娛樂效果的包裝,或許更能適性地吸引較為缺乏人文素養背景的學生,來思索這些沉重嚴肅,但卻緊扣社會脈動的議題,顯 示動漫畫所可能蘊含的意象、故事和寓言,或許在調整傳統學術式學習方式、尋求課程與教材創新的各種嘗試中,有值得我們重視之處。 In recent years, some universities and corporations have begun incorporating animations and comics into their teaching materials, which may also include visual arts and written narratives, finding that these can be both entertaining and intellectually stimulating. In this paper, I show how the application of entertaining and attractive animation and comics as teaching materials for general democratic education classes is more effective than traditional materials, especially for students of diverse backgrounds. The paper offers a textual analysis of ONE PIECE, an animation and comic series from Japan popular among college students in Taiwan. I discuss and survey the metaphors found within the often exaggerated and absurd stories, relating them to themes such as the nature of government, justice and authority.
