Revista de Management Comparat International (May 2021)
Regional Labor Market Issues in Romania – Symmetry and Inflection Points Based Socio-Economic Factors
The Romanian labor market shows the signs of many regional issues, especially those that involve economic factors. Disparities generate forms of interregional symmetry, approached through the lens of poor socio-economic performance. The Romanian economy has rapidly adapted to the open European labor market, which, on the one hand, has brought many benefits to the Romanian employees who migrated to other European countries, while, on the other hand, this process has caused serious deficits of the labor force in some Romanian economic sectors of activity. In this regard, this study brings its contribution to the literature with a statistical analysis conducted on the symmetry and inflections points in the case of three Romanian development regions: South-East region, South-West Oltenia and North-West region. Results show that these regions face similar labor market issues up to a certain degree – the identified inflection point deals with two economic sectors that had to suffer the most: the public administration and the defense sectors.