Revista Cubana de Ingeniería (Jun 2013)
Approach Testing Activities for Ingenias
This paper gathers the state of the phase of tests in the Agents and Multi-Agents systems fordifferent methodologies that exist now a day. In its development, different kinds of tests that must becarried out on the Multi-Agents systems, will be explored; as well as what different Agent-Orientedmethodologies propose to cover this important phase. Moreover, main characteristics of the toolsthat support the design of these methodologies are exposed; as well as modules or mechanismsthat have been incorporated into them in order to show the direct impact such problem has on thequality of software produced. Ingenias is one of the Agent-Oriented methodologies that do not includea phase for functional test. In this paper, Acceptance and Systems Tests are proposed for thismethodology, based on V-Model, allowing the construction of software with a higher quality.