Концепт: философия, религия, культура (Mar 2018)
Modernization has come up to take place of "democratic reforms of 1990" and turned into political brand for the next two decades. Social development naturally leads to changes in the forms of political governance. These changes reflect new objective reality conditions of political development. The society starts to put questions about the forms of political governance when these forms either do not satisfy the activity circumstances or attach the vector that cannot facilitate the realization of development as in case of education reforms that began at the end of the 20-th century. In spite of the fact that domestic education was well modelled even according to foreign yardstick, however, it could not stand aside these changes aimed at the base of social architecture. Russian education system required reconstruction for new aims and goals. Russian society, and in the first place, teaching staff community realized the exigency of education improvement, curriculum development, and upgraded educational technologies. The society was ready to essential turnabout. At the same time, the overwhelming citizen majority in the Russian Federation had great expectation for changes within national traditions, which, as they supposed fairly, agreed with universal democratic and humanistic framework. World development integration is a clear and progressive phenomenon that differs from globalization, which is promoted by political profiteers in their own interests. Unfortunately, with selfevident truth, the Modernization Programme of domestic educational system has not lived up to the Russian's expectations. Quite the contrary, it turned to be another one bureaucratic failure alienated from reality. This bureaucratic fabrication preferred globalization interests to national ones. The authors give systematical analysis to this contradiction trying to offer the alternative variants under democratic development and in international context.