Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu (Jun 2020)
Foreign body aspiration as a cause of recurrent pneumonia – case report
Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is a life-threatening clinical condition, usually requiring immediate intervention involving the removal of a foreign body from the airways during bronchoscopy. Relevant history taking is a very important element in the diagnosis of FBA. Lack of information about the child’s choking episode may delay making the correct diagnosis, and increase the risk of long-term complications of foreign body retention in the airways, including recurrent pneumonia. The case is presented of a 13-year-old boy diagnosed with pneumonia three times in four months. FBA was diagnosed after performing additional laboratory tests, imaging tests, and repeated history taking from the boy. The case report highlights the need for FBA suspicion if symptoms of pneumonia recur or persist despite proper treatment, even if insufficient evidence of FBA is provided in the initial interview.