Język. Religia. Tożsamość (Dec 2020)
Słowo w edukacji z perspektywy aksjologicznej
In the reflections on the word in education from an axiological perspective – the key category „word” is often accompanied by the „language” category, which is close to her, referring to homo loquens – to a man speaking, using the language. It is the words that accompany a man from the beginning of his existence to the very end of his life. It is not surprising that because of the omnipresence of words, it is said that man exists in language and through language he has the ability to test his humanity in the world.Undertaking education in the insightful effort of revealing these meanings is justified in order to make the elements of the universal axiological anthroposophy essential for the existence of humanity not be forgotten, to be properly understood in accordance with their meaning, without distortions, simplifications of distortions, logical errors and at the same time they should not too obvious, anachronistic, embarrassing or embarrassing to use.The fact that man in the universe as a „small” being and only temporarily existing on earth, maybe just by means of the word that impenetrable world in its richness can almost completely embrace, perfect and enrich the surrounding reality and himself, confirms the boundless size of lexis in a special way.